
Before we’re able to complete the next steps in your registration process, we’ll need to collect your personal tax information on an IRS Form W-9. The data you provide will be used to report any income to you and the IRS, for costs associated with the guest or family member(s) that you choose to have join you at the event. This is a secure portal, encrypted to protect your sensitive tax-related information. Access to this information is highly restricted and only accessible for use in tax reporting, as well as providing you with a check to help with any tax costs.

For any questions, please reference the current IRS W-9 form instructions found at www.irs.gov/FormW9 or consult with your tax advisor.

If you feel that you or your guest’s situation does not require this process to be completed, please contact Sentry’s Tax Director by email to Jon.Wendorf@Sentry.com.

Thank you.


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By clicking submit, you agree under the penalties of perjury that information provided on this form is accurate. Further details of federal requirements can be found under the Certification section here.